Voici un article de Garry Jacobs qui m'a intéressé. J'ai jugé qu'il méritait d'être lu. Jugez par vous même. Si votre grand mère vous dit la même chose, c'est peut être parceque c'est la vérité. Qu'en dites vous ? J'attends vos commentaires ! (voir la traduction ici)
Money is a force. It is a concentrated symbol of energy and power in life. Like all forces in the universe, money obeys certain universal laws or principles. By understanding those laws and acting appropriately, we gain a great power over money, enabling wealth and prosperity to come our way.
When followed, these methods have a tendency to instantly attract money from seemingly out of nowhere, defying our normal notions of cause and effect, and what is logical and possible. Such sudden and abundant results are indications of the wondrous phenomenon of “life response” at work.
1. Attention: Money responds to great attention. Keeping precise and upto date accounts are a powerful mechanism for suddenly attracting more of it.
2. Circulation: Let money circulate, energy will flow, and life will reward you with good fortune, including the constant flow of money in your direction. This is proof of the subtle principle of “inner-outer correspondence”; i.e. life reflects on the outside your psychological condition inside within yourself. If you make your feelings or attitudes more positive, such as overcoming an unwillingness to pay a bill or the hoarding of money, life on the outside will respond positively to you in kind.
3. Long Term debt owed: It is important that you pay off old outstanding debts which prevent you from moving beyond your current situation.
4. Sums owed to you: Collect all money owed to you, including the minutest of sums and money will suddenly come to you in all directions.
5. Taking Care of Neglected duties: Give attention to the circumstances that you had been neglecting so far and money will instantaneously come your way.
6. Cleanliness, Orderliness: A faster way to attract positive good fortune including new fresh sources of money is to raise the level of physical cleanliness at home or at work.
7. Wasting, Squandering Funds: To ensure a constant flow of funds, avoid wasting money. Discover where you waste your money and overcome it. This will attract more funds your way.
8. Soft speech: One of the most powerful ways to attract wealth and prosperity is to reduce the volume of speech. When we reduce the quantity of the words we express in our speech, we bring our own life energies under control, which create the condition for great fortune to come our way.
9. Changing an Attitude: Positive attitudes attract energy and money; negative attitudes do the opposite. If you overcome a negative attitude -- such as an unwillingness or reluctance to do something, or the harboring of bad will towards another -- new, fresh energies are released, which subtlety move out into the world, returning as positive good fortune, including attraction of money.
10. Dependence on others: The power to attract money comes from the psychological viewpoint that I am the ultimate determinant of my fate. If this is the case, then consider if you are dependent in others for funds, or similar forms of help, and change your position from one of dependence to self-dependency.
11. Generosity: Whenever you shift your perspective from yourself to others, energy increases, and conditions for success reveal themselves in the form of sudden and abundant positive life responses.
12. . Focusing on and giving attention to the work at hand: If you focus yourself on the work at hand, i.e. what life is presenting you, rather than on the work that you would like to be doing, additional work, including fresh sources of money will fly in your direction.
13. Following the process of accomplishment to rise to higher level in life: A great way to attract more money is by developing a plan for improvement in your life. Decide what it is that you really want to achieve, organize the details of your vision, and carry it out with a positive attitude, and with great determination, commitment, and effort.
14. The Ultimate Solution: Using spirit: If you open to the higher spiritual power before starting an event, or when in the midst of a situation, life will respond dramatically in kind. If you also overcome a wanting attitude, life can respond overwhelming.
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